Petroleum Safety Authority Norway’s facilities regulations, section 10a, concerning ignition source control is answered by the PSA as follows:
"Equipment and safety systems in classified areas must meet the requirements for use in explosion-risk areas, ref Norsok"
S-001 Chapter 14.4.2 Equipment in hazardous areas: Must comply with ATEX (Directive 94/9/EC).
"Equipment and safety systems that will be in operation during abnormal situations where an explosive atmosphere may occur outside classified areas must meet the requirements for zone 2 as a minimum." Ref Norsok S-001 Chapter 14.4.3 Equipment in non-hazardous natural coated areas must as a minimum be suitable for operation in Zone 2, including equipment in HVAC supply system.
ATEX states that Zone 2 equipment must be built to function safely in a normal situation. Does this mean that the equipment must be shut down in the event of an abnormal situation?
1. Are there different requirements for Zone 2 equipment if it is in an unclassified area where there is gas compared to in a classified area with gas?
2. Is there no requirement for ignition source shut-off of zone 2 equipment in case of gas? For example, type: A zone 2 truck used in zone 2. Shouldn't it be switched off in case of gas and all zone 2 equipment isolated?
My idea is that Zone 2 equipment has requirements for surface temperature to prevent ignition before the equipment is switched off. An EExe motor that can be in operation in gas in the area, for example, has a larger air gap between rotor and stator than an ExN motor that only has requirements for surface temperature, anti-static fan and ignition-proof terminals.
This question was originally asked in Norwegian on the Forum and has been translated.
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