Lighting fixtures in Zone 1 and 2

Asked at ${formatDate(1696444740)} by Forum Highlights | Latest reply at ${formatDate(latestComment().postDate.timestamp)} by ${latestComment()}

Forum Highlights


We have som lighting fixtures installed in Zone 1 and 2 offshore, the fixtures must be installed with an isolator sleeve to separate fixture from structure to avoid corrosion. The fixtures are only earthed by supply cable inside the fixture housing, only using PE-conductor.

Is it a requirement to have separate equipotential bonding to structure?

The fixtures are series connected, if a PE-conductor loosens in one fixture, then alle the other fixtures in the link will loose earth connection...

The user manual from the supplier states: "Installer should earth the unit separately – an internal and external earth point are provided as standard at each end of the luminaire"

Thank you for answering.

This question was originally asked in Norwegian on the Forum and has been translated.

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